Tuesday 29 March 2011

Notes On Chuck Amuck (Autobiography of Chuck Jones) Pt 1

1. "Character  always comes first, before the physical representation. We are not what we look like, we are our personalities."

2. " First and most important Rule of animation ; individuality, oddity and peculiarity that counts. Eschew the ordinary, disdain the commonplace. If you need something let it be the unusual, esoteric, the bizarre and the unexpected."

3. "if there are ten pictures on a wall, only the one off balance will get much attention."

4. "Comedy is nearly always, the stuff of the ordinary, concerning itself with simple matters and simple ambitions, with ordinary pursuits and ordianry ambitions."

5. "Charlie Chaplin and the Coyote are simply just trying to get something to eat".

6. "Daffy Duck is simply trying for a little dignity, with the added need to get a little money in the process".

7. "Daffy after betraying Bugs Bunny to the Abominable Snowman, "Sure, it was a rotten thing to do, but better him than me, i'm different from most people, pain hurts me".

8. "Bugs Bunny films always start with him down a rabbit hole, where he should be. Then someone comes along with designs on his life."

9. "Cal Howard, writer, gagman, unofficial commisary to Schlesinger Productions."

10. "In-betweener = esoteric term for those who insert drawings between the animators drawings, which in turn are known as extremes"

11. "The art of animation is timing as Tex Avery once told me"

12. "Masters of timing are Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Langdon and Tex Avery"

13. "What I learned from Tex, Friz, Mike Maltese, Tedd Pierce and others in my field was:-

       i) You must love what you cariciture. You must not mock it unless it is ridiculously self-important, like those solemn live action travelogues.

       ii) You must learn to respect that Golden Atom, that single frame of action, 1/24 of a second, because the difference between lightning and the lighning bug may hinge on that single frame.

       iii) Respect the impulse hought and, try to implement it. You cannot perform as a director by what you all ready know, you must dep[end on the flash of inspiration that you do not expect and not all ready know.

       iv) You must remember awlays that only man, of all creatures, can blush, or needs to; that only man can laugh, or needs to; and that if you are in that trade of helping others laugh and to survive by laughter, then you are priveleged indeed.

       v) Remember always that character is all that matters in the making of great comedians, in animation, and in live action.

       vi) Keep always in your mind, your heart, and your hand that timing is the essence, the spine, and the electrical magic of humour - and of animation"

14. "All of you have 100,000 bad drawings in you. The sooner you get rid of them the better- Chuck Jones 1st instructor at Choinard Art Institute."

15. "The most important and stunning discovery I made at Chouinard, one that has been shared by every artist, cartoonist, painter in history... was the ability to live by the single line - that single honest delineation of artist's intent. No shading, no multiple lines, no cross-hatching, no subterfuge. Just that line. That is rule number 1 of all great drawing, there is no rule number 2"

16. "There is often talk of a golden age of animation. There was actually two. The first was the great years between 1933 to 1939 (Three Little Pigs, Disney, 1933). Nearly all the great writers, directors and animators of that period went on to features such as Snow White etc."

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